Thursday, August 16, 2012

it's been a while. oops.

Yeah so uh…this will be a cheating post.  Things get busy in the summer when you are planning a trip, then on a trip, then recovering from a trip.

Japan is not a place I would go on my own.  Thankfully I am unbelievably lucky and I have family there.  My big brother (the younger of the big brothers) lives there with his wife and their two BEAUTIFUL tiny people.  I have been fortunate enough to see some amazing sites there, as well as spend time with the kick ass family.

This trip was an excellent one.  (Sorry I brought the serious heat Mayumi!)  The highlights are innumerable, but I’ll give you a few…

- Louis is 4, talking up a storm, and totally into Japanese folk tales.  Momotaro and Issun-boshi are his favorites.
- Mana is in that perfect chubby baby stage where she smiles and drools all the time
- Mike still picks his nose.
- The green seats on the Shinkansen are AWESOME
- The food in Japan…shabu-shabu, peppers with cheese and bacon, rice with eggs and chicken and stuff. oh god yum.
- Hiroshima is a heavy place to visit, but is absolutely beautiful

On a separate note, Air Canada is a great way to fly.  Just saying.  You have to drink Molson, but they are free – so whatevo.

For those of you who know me…I am unbelievably sensitive to jetlag.  I know, I’m a wimp.  But I have been fluctuating between falling asleep in the middle of the day, waking up in the middle of the night, or just rising with the sun…because really why not?

I have FINALLY for the past two days been able to sleep until the alarm goes off at 8am.  Progress is a beautiful thing.  Coming back to CT after a few weeks with my brutha and the Lou Man was tough.  Going back to school to unpack the classroom (again) is annoying – but it appears this coming year is starting off on the right foot.

knock on wood.

(ps. here is the cheating part…click on this link for all the pics )


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