Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Can I Kick It?


I forgot again.  So here you have a dishtowel.  These things happen.



tonight’s long loop was…

1. needed x a billion
2. refreshing
3. annoying
4. full of bugs
5. excellent.

and it ended here.



Some nights are truly destined for stupidity.  Usually brought on by weeks of grown-up-ness.  I have decided that I’m not really thrilled about being a grown-up.  I don’t like all the politics involved.  What I really don’t like is that how even though we are “grown-ups” most of us still act like idiots.  I am certainly not exempt from acting like an idiot…in fact I would bet I do it on a regular basis.  I did however attempt to leave the high school bullcorn in high school. 

When I act like an idiot, I promise not to say one thing and do the exact opposite.  I will not talk like you aren’t in the room…I will however lose my house keys (again) try to call them (beats me) and wake up the next morning wishing upon all that is holy that I kept massive amounts of Aleve at the ready.

sometimes, me = idiot on so many levels.


On days like this, that are destined to turn into even more eventful nights, it is very important to stay hydrated.  That is all.

Running Late - duh.


The last day is never a good one.  A whole year with these tiny people, and it is gone in the blink of an eye.  Wasn’t it just September, when I was complaining about the shoe tying and the crying?  Yeah I know what you’re thinking, ‘here we go with Teaching is so rewarding blah blah blah’ – Or ‘the end of year is so stressful blah blah blah’.  Well I mean, it is…and it is.  Seriously, shove your TPS reports, and your stock dividends and your cranky grownups where the sun don’t shine.  Children are irrational.  They cry because their dog died TWO YEARS AGO.  They are cranky, and then they have their cranky parents call you.  They don’t know how to do everyday tasks but then the say something ridiculous, or help the smelly kid, and suddenly all is right with the world. 

On the last day, you rarely remember the crankiness (there ARE exceptions).  You rarely remember the stubborn foot stomping or crying.  You just remember the good stuff, and that makes this day a tough one.  So  you pack an extra cup of coffee or two, and you roll with it.

Thanks Kelley for sharing this.  I got her permission prior to snapping the photo.

Seriously.  I don’t think I could possibly explain to you how absolutely hilarious 7 year olds can be.  Not only do they rarely miss a flipping beat, they truly and honestly can crack you up like no other.  I mean are you seeing this?  This kid is a genius.


At this point, when the custodians head down to the basement to bring packing boxes…most of them already have my name on them.  I simply have to change the room number I am heading to.  Next year will be a pretty huge-normous change.  I’m choosing at this point to believe firmly that it will be a good change. (For those of you who know me…let’s be honest, I SUCK at change)  While this sums up my general feeling, here are the top 5 things about this move in no particular order…

1.  I started in NH, it will be cool to be back (NH stands for North House.  NOT New Hampshire, though both are technically true)
2.  Packing up and moving allows me to get rid of an awful lot of junk
3.  I’ve got great “neighbors”
4.  Kids don’t pee on the seat in the adult bathroom
5.  Duh. Air Con.

Monday, June 18, 2012

the groove is in the heart.


Preface: You know how on some days music just needs to be loud?  In the car, in the headset, you name it.  The next two weeks will be set to music.  Mostly loud, upbeat, obnoxiously teeny-bopper type music that allows me to get through the day. 

Moisture rings.  There are multiple modes of hydration happening here tonight as I attempt to work on some progress reports.  I would put large sums of money on the fact that there will eventually be more moisture rings than there are completed reports.  Surprised?  no. no I’m not.

This stuff makes everything easier.

6.16.12   OMC - How Bizarre

Sometimes in my tiny apartment I have myself a dance party.  Usually it involves some sort of spirit.  However, said spontaneous spurts of movement can also be brought on by sheer boredom, or overwork.  Most times…and by most times I mean EVERY time, dance parties on the BLVD include this tune.  Because honestly, why the hell wouldn’t it?



It has been unbelievably gorgeous for the past 48 hours.  I am thankful that I actually made myself put some miles on my shoes thus enjoying said weather.  However, most of the past two days have been spent inside.  It is approximately 4pm.  Happy Father’s Day Old Man D.  Progress reports are done.   
Awesome + ness.


September – well really early August will make year 7.  WHAAAAAAAT!? Yup, year seven.  Seven years, six rooms, pin-balling between grades.  This cleanup, pack-up, purge, and move process screams hoarders.  Not a good feeling about this next one…we’ll see.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wait - it's June?


I live in a pretty sweet spot.  It’s a small place, in a great neighborhood with a decent backyard.  I am two blocks from the beach, and two blocks from town.  Sure the raccoons fight to the death in the apple tree, the deer take over whenever they feel like it, and I occasionally have to tattle on the kids for climbing ladders to play practical jokes.  The part that really blows my mind is how my neighbor sometimes does some supremely oddball things.  Like continually planting grass seed in the area where grass never grows.  Watering her “garden” during a rainstorm.  Or, after two weeks of dumping rain, watering a 15-year-old hydrangea just because.  Granted, these aren’t nearly as bad as putting on a pot of tea (on the wrong burner) and setting some Tupperware and her iPhone on fire - or, putting the car in reverse instead of drive and nearly destroying the trash containers.  I like to point out her goofiness – but today these bad boys busted out in full bloom.  So maybe the watering of the 15 year old plant was not such a bad idea.



I should so totally be doing progress reports.  Oh well – there’s always next weekend.

“What are you doing?”
“Taking a picture”
“Cut it out”
“Why, it’s just a picture”
“Cut it out”
“Because I said so.”

Apparently because I said so doesn’t work as well with adults.


In the middle of Fundations today – as I was circulating to check how kids were doing…I noticed this.  Because I am five.


So in a last full week of school stupor I headed out for a quick run.  I’ll take the trash out on the way…why not?  HOLY CRAP IT’S 9:45!?  How the hell did that happen?
It didn’t.  I don’t think I have EVER changed the time on this thing.  Don’t even know how long it’s been there.  Oops.
I should not be allowed to purchase anything chocolate.  Bottom line.  No ifs ands or buts.  Never ever ever.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wednesday Thursday

6.6.12 Don't Blow It

My fridge is empty.  I have no food, and absolutely no patience to walk around the grocery store thinking about what I need to sustain life for the next seven days.  Thank the sweet baby jeebus la salsa is right down the street and the mattress store beer store has kirin tall boys. Woohoo.

6.7.12 Bubblehead

bubbles are funny

Done and Done

6.5.12 Done and Done

How Many, How Much
   By Shel Silverstein

How many slams in an old screen door?
   Depends how loud you shut it.

How many slices in a bread?
   Depends how thin you cut it.

How much good inside a day?
   Depends how good you live ‘em.

How much love inside a friend?
   Depends how much you give ‘em.

Sunday Monday


There are two ways you could interpret the following schedule breakdown.  You may see it for its sheer and utter ridiculousness if you are an educator, live with an educator, or have small children of your very own (keep in mind that on top of the schedule that follows we have roughly 10 days left in the school year) Or, it may sound like the ridiculous ranting of someone who has the summers off.  Someone who NEVER works on the weekend AND gets to enjoy snowdays.  If you identify with the latter – eff you, you’re a dumbass.
6.3.12 Sunday

Monday:  Field Trip to the Zoo – pack car – drive home to NH

Tuesday:  (class will have a substitute) Mom’s “surprise” retirement party – drive back to CT

Wednesday: Back in CT – Professional development all day (class will have a substitute)

Thursday:  Field Day from 9-11 – attempt to teach for the afternoon

Friday: Very little will get done

Tonight I am not sleeping. Awesome.  So I write myself notes to make sure I don’t mess things up in the morning.


6.4.12 Zoo
This place is a zoo. that is all.

Mind Your Moose


6.2.12 Mind Your Moose
It is very rare that you go through large chunks of time without some uncertainty.  Without feeling as if there is something you can’t quite handle.  Something you won’t be successful at, something that won’t allow you to do or be your best.  During times like these there are few things that will make it easier than hilarious evenings with excellent people.  You laugh too loud, maybe make an ass of yourself, crack a few jokes; and leave with a few epic quotes that will get you through.

Mind your moose people. Mind. Your. Moose.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

1 week at a time

5.27.12 – 6.1.12

Sometimes I get busy, and weeks fly by and all of a sudden it is Saturday again.  Of course, on Wednesday – it feels like you’re trudging through molasses and the unbelievable heat/humidity makes it even better.  When the end of the school year rolls around, there are all of a sudden a million things to do and not nearly enough time to do them in.  The last few weeks of school basically mean the following things…

1.  the “during the week rule” is totally out the window
2.  I am actually tired, and suddenly posses the ability to sleep normal hours
3.  carving out an hour each night to run becomes way more important
4.  the stack of to do lists needs a to do list in order to prioritize
5.  there is not enough coffee on the planet to quench the thirst for caffeine
6.  Friday night happy hour needs to happen at least five days a week
7.  the fridge is perpetually empty 
8.  Netflix is my best friend providing background noise for never ending piles of work
9.  the swings at recess are still my favorite
10.  laundry and cleaning take a total backseat to everything else.