Saturday, June 2, 2012

1 week at a time

5.27.12 – 6.1.12

Sometimes I get busy, and weeks fly by and all of a sudden it is Saturday again.  Of course, on Wednesday – it feels like you’re trudging through molasses and the unbelievable heat/humidity makes it even better.  When the end of the school year rolls around, there are all of a sudden a million things to do and not nearly enough time to do them in.  The last few weeks of school basically mean the following things…

1.  the “during the week rule” is totally out the window
2.  I am actually tired, and suddenly posses the ability to sleep normal hours
3.  carving out an hour each night to run becomes way more important
4.  the stack of to do lists needs a to do list in order to prioritize
5.  there is not enough coffee on the planet to quench the thirst for caffeine
6.  Friday night happy hour needs to happen at least five days a week
7.  the fridge is perpetually empty 
8.  Netflix is my best friend providing background noise for never ending piles of work
9.  the swings at recess are still my favorite
10.  laundry and cleaning take a total backseat to everything else.

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