Wednesday, May 23, 2012

meep meep


I realize that isn’t the proper animal reference…but I mean really.  Today’s POD will be a series.  Where I come from this kind of thing doesn’t happen.  There is no lottery when hunting season rolls around.  There are few restrictions when it comes to where, and more than anything else – the deer seem to have this little thing called self-preservation. 
Over the years I have had many encounters with these four legged tick infested plant eaters.  I will say again, where I come from – this kind of thing doesn’t happen.  Where I come from, I do not turn the corner in the middle of a run to come face to face with a 10 point buck standing under a street light.   

Where I come from, three deer will not waltz into my backyard in the middle of the day to snack on some leafy greens.  
Where I come from, they would certainly never cruise down my driveway to stroll down the Boulevard of McMansions only to be frightened away by the meep meep of a Land Rover’s car alarm. 

Where I come from, doing the dishes does not turn into a zoo viewing, it is just doing the dishes.  Lalley Boulevard, the land of BMW’s, central air, 4 story monstrosities and deer - lots and lots of deer.
meep meep. 5.23.12


  1. Well there was that turkey - and there were the coyotes, and then there were the baby skunks...and I do think there was at least one deer........then there were the dipsticks.

  2. if this happened in Walpole, one of the dipsticks would have had them for dinner. lets be serious.
